Brad Morrison, IHCS Technician

Brad Morrison

Title: Lead Home Performance Installer
Hometown: New Ross, Indiana

Meet Brad, a valued employee at Indy Home Comfort Solutions! Brad joined the IndyHCS team in early 2010 as an apprentice installer. Brad’s esteemed work ethic and enthusiastic spirit has led him to complete several professional certifications from Carrier, NATE, Aeroseal, Geothermal (…and more!), and achieve status as the Lead Installer! Some of his work as an installer includes Attic and Basement Insulation, Ductwork Solutions, Crawl Space Encapsulation, and supervision of the installation team. Brad is a reliable and trusted employee at IHCS as he is always eager to tackle anything that comes his way and careful to provide quality service to his customers. Outside of work, Brad greatly enjoys participating in a variety of outdoor activities as well as spending time with his wife and five kids!

Indy Home Comfort Solutions