Apr 19, 2016 | Information
Spring has arrived and brought about warmer weather and- yup, you guessed it, Allergies! Did you know that your AC may be contributing to a large number of allergy symptoms? Take a closer look at what is going on in your home and you’ll find that rountine...
Aug 27, 2014 | Information
Losing money is something that is not in the agenda for anyone, but sometimes not knowing where you’re losing money is the most frustrating part. When it comes to your home, you could be losing money and not even realize it, but luckily if discovered, Indiana Home...
May 4, 2012 | Information, Programs
This summer I will cross a milestone in my life. As the day approaches I have had some time to consider how things have changed and how things have stayed the same. I have also decided to make some changes in my own life in an effort to better myself. Now most folks I...
Feb 23, 2012 | Information
As someone with no real knowledge of the world of heating and cooling I am always learning new things. My expertise has been in customer service and I enjoy working with people. I have also learned a lot about the human condition. One of the many things I have learned...